Release Notes – 2023 Q1


We’re pleased to introduce some recent improvements to Púca’s Impower™ messaging platform which we’ve just released.

Developments this quarter have been primarily focused on back end performance improvements but there are also some minor improvements to the User Interface.


  • The message dashboard will now display the total number of messages received, along with the number of unique numbers which submitted the messages. 



  • We have added the option to filter messages sent by status which will give you more detail in any reports exported
  • There was an issue with the delivery timestamp displaying as 1 hour out due to Daylight Savings Time changes – this is now resolved.
  • We fixed a bug in the API developer portal documentation which returned incorrect results.

If you notice any inconsistencies since this update please notify us on 

Our next update will have more changes to the User Interface which will improve Impower even further. If you have any feedback please feel free to reach out to us on 

Kind regards,
David and the team